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Hawaiian Resources

Many Azoreans and Portuguese came to the United States via Hawaii. Here you will find a list of resources available to the genealogist whose ancestors made the trip here in this way. These resources were compiled by Melody Lassalle and were updated on March 1, 1997. Send comments or questions to Melody by email


Where to Locate Records in Hawaii



Research and Statistical Office

State Dept. of Health

P.O. Box 3378Honolulu HI 96813

The Department of Health began registering as follows:

    •    Births:1896 (some registration as early as 1842, but records have not survived)

    •    Delayed Birth Certificates: 1911-1972

    •    Deaths: Hawaii-1861, Kauai and Niihau-1863, Maui and Molokai-1853, and Oahu-1863

    •    Marriage: 1896 officially; Oahu 1841, Hawaii 1862, Kauai 1866, Maui and Molokai 1850

Some general rules:

*Records 75 years and older are open for general use. More recent records are available to direct descendants or those with a specified relationship only.

*When ordering certificates, you must state why you want the certificate and your relationship to the person stated on the certificate. A form is availabe through the address listed above.

*For records pre-1905 or so, you will get a typed certificate of the index entry. For later requests, you will received a photocopy of the original certificate.

*Birth: necessary information needed to obtain a certificate: parent's names, island, and approximate date

*Marriage: pre-1890 records only include bride and groom's names. Later records include have parent's names, nationality, and age.

*Death: Many early death records include name of deceased, date and place of death, cause of death, and where buried.

*All certificates are $2 per certificate with a 2-8 week turnaround.



Hawaiian State Archives

Ioloni Palace Grounds

Honolulu HI 96813

The Hawaiian State Archives will do research for a small fee. The following are their indexes:


Index to birth notices in newspapers approximately 1850-1950. Primarily English newspapers published in Honolulu. In many cases, only parent's names were given.

Index to newspaper obituaries, 1836-1950. Primarily English newspapers published in Honolulu.

ndex to the Honolulu Advertiser and Honolulu Star Bulletin. Obituaries 1929 to date.


Oahu, 1832-1929; Hawaii 1832-1929; Kauai and Niihau, 1826-1929;and Maui and Molokai, 1843-1929.

Circuit Court index for Kauai, Maui, and Oahu,1905-1949.

Marriage by Island index, 1826-1929. Indexed by Island then alphabetically by person.


(Check telephone directory for specific addresses for each Circuit Court)

Until 1949, Federal statutes stated that marriages performed in U.S. Territories must be recorded in Circuit Courts. Records include: name of couple, date and place of marriage, name of person performing marriage, and witnesses.

Marriages: City and County of Honolulu, 1900-1949; All other counties, 1905-1949.


Several indexes to vital statistics are available. (This list in no way represents everything that is available. Check catalog for current holdings.) Some microfilms which are available:

Kauai, Births, Deaths, and Marriages, 1826-1910. Films: 1011145 and 295833. Microfilmed copies of registry books.

*Birth: Father, Mother, Child's name (if given), date of birth, and nationality of parents.

*Death: Name of deceased, sex, age, nationality, place of death, city/town where person resided, cause of death, where buried, date recorded and by whom, and the Doctor's name.

*Marriage: Date of marriage, bride and groom's names, nationality, parent's names, witnesses, date recorded and by whom, name of person who married them.

Marriages, Hawaii, 1826-1910. Film number unknown. This is a typed index to the marriage registry books. Information given: bride and groom's names, date of marriage, place of marriage, book number, and page number.

Index to birth, marriage, and deaths in Hawaiian Newspapers prior to 1950. Films: 1002818, 1002820, and 1002821.

Father and Mother indexes to births. Films: 1205809 and 1205690.

Child Index, v. 1-4, 1866-1896. Film: 1205693.

Marriage Index, v. 1-3, 6, 1866-1896. Film: 1205808.

Death Index, A-Z. Film 1205812.


*Watch for misspellings or names in reverse order. For example: In the birth entries there is: Emmanuel de Brage Hernandez and Maria da Gloria Medeiros. Then later: Manuel Fernandez de Braga and Maria Medeiros. And, yet another: Manuel Braga and Maria Medeiros. In this case, further research proved that these individuals were one and the same.

*Some index headings are in English, some in Hawaiian.

*When ordering certificates prior to 1910, what you see in this index is what you will receive. Early certificates did not survive and the office types certified copies from the index.

Important Dates for Portuguese-Hawaiian Research

1842.............First law requiring reporting of marriages and births

1843.............United States recognition of Hawaiian independenceTrade treaty enacted

1846.............First law requiring license to marry

1847.............Legal adoptions recognized

1859.............First law requiring reporting of deaths

1865.............Act to prevent the spread of leprosy enacted Establishment of settlement on Molokai

1876.............Jason Perry, Consular Agent for Portugal, recommends laborers from Madeira for sugar plantations

1878.............Portuguese immigration to Hawaii begins

1888.............Cessation of campaign to bring contract laborers from Portugal

1890's...........First wave of Portuguese leave Hawaii for California

1893.............Revolution in Hawaii deposes Queen Liliuokalani

1894.............Hawaiian Republic recognized by United States government

1896.............Department of Health given responsibility for registeringbirths, marriages, and deaths

1898.............Annexation to United States

1900.............Territory of Hawaii organized

1911-1914........Approximately 2,000 Portuguese leave Hawaii for California

1913.............Almost complete cessation of Portuguese immigration to Hawaii

1941.............Pearl Harbor attacked

1959.............Hawaiian Statehood



Resource List for Portuguese-Hawaiian Genealogical Research

Updated 7/1/98 by GFS Mel; ver. 2.0


CIRCUIT COURTS (check telephone directories for address of a specific Circuit Court).

Courts are in: Honolulu, Oahu, Wailuku, Maui, Hilo, Hawaii, Lihue, Kauai. Various records including Probate, Divorce,

Naturalization, Criminal, etc. Check with each court for availability of records. Fees for documents. Circuit Courts do not accept personal checks.

DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, PO Box 4444, Kalaupapa Settlement, HI 96742

Records pertaining to people with leprosy relocated to the island of Molokai.

HAWAIIAN STATE ARCHIVES, Ioloni Palace Grounds, Honolulu HI 96813

Birth, death, marriage indexes, delayed birth certificates, ship manifests, newspaper indexes, etc. Small fee for research and photocopying.

HSPA PLANTATION ARCHIVES, Special Collections, University of Hawaii at Manoa Library, 2550 The Mall, Honolulu, HI

96822. Telephone (808) 956-8264.. The Hawaiian Sugar Plantation Archives have been donated to the University's

Hamilton Library. You must make an appointment to view the archives (two appointments may be necessary for records to be paged).

RESEARCH AND STATISTICAL OFFICE, State Dept. of Health, PO Box 3378, Honolulu HI 96801

Birth, death, marriage, divorce records. Certificates $10.00--certified cashier's check and money orders ONLY

(personal checks are no longer accepted). Make sure to include the reason why you are requesting the certificate (genealogy research) and your relationship to the person you are requesting a certificate for. 

UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII AT MANOA, 2550 The Mall, Honolulu, HI 96822. Holdings on the Hawaiian Islands (various topics)--including HSPA records listed above.


Immigration and Naturalization records. Also offers a resource guide to genealogical research.


HAWAII COUNCIL ON PORTUGUESE HERITAGE, 811 North Vineyard Blvd., Honolulu HI 96817

Video for sale: Portuguese in Hawaii. Future plans to publish books. Quarterly newsletter.

HAWAIIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY, 560 Kawaiahao St., Honolulu, HI 96813

City Directories dating to the 1890s. Reprints available of "Destination, Sandwich Islands," a journal reprinted in the Hawaiian Journal of History. See "Books" section for more information.


All the records in the Sugar Plantation Archives have been donated to the University of Hawaii at Manoa Library

(see entry in the section above)

KAUAI HISTORICAL SOCIETY, 44238 Rice St., Lihue, Kauai, HI 96766

Historical data on the island of Kauai; publications for sale.

KONA HISTORICAL SOCIETY, P.O. Box 398, Kona, HI 96704.

Materials on the Kona section of Hawaii.

MAUI HISTORICAL SOCIETY, 2375-A Main St., P.O. Box 1018, Wailuku, HI 96793.

Publications, photographs, and newspaper clippings pertaining to Maui are in their holdings.


PORTUGUESE GENEALOGY SOCIETY OF HAWAII, The Palama Settlement, 810 N. Vineyard St., Rm. 11, Honolulu HI 96817

Various resources including passport index, passenger list manifests, etc.. Recent addition: Marriage records, 1911-1929. Requests a small donation to defray costs. Quarterly newsletter with membership.

ROMAN CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF HONOLULU, Chancery Office, 1184 Bishop Street, Honolulu, HI 96813

SANDWICH ISLANDS GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, The Hawaii State Library, 478 South King Street, Honolulu, HI 96813.

Other Resources


"Destination, Sandwich Islands." The Hawaiian Journal of History, volume IV, 1970, pages 3-52. The journal of a 156-day trip from Madeira to Hawaii, written 1887-1888. Available from the Hawaiian Historical Society, 560 Kawaiahao Street, Honolulu, HI 96813. Check for current price.

"List of Manifests of Alien Passengers for the United States Immigration Officer at Port of Arrival." Covers 1900-1913.Valuable for those with immigrants arriving in Hawaii during that period. The Portuguese Genealogical Society of Hawaii has a copy and will take research requests.

"The Long Voyage: the story of John Gomes Louis and Vicencia Vieira Louis of Maui, Hawaii, immigrants from Madeira, Portugal" by John G. Louis, Jr. San Jose, Calif : Louis, c1980. No ordering information available.

Passport Registrations: Portuguese Immigrants from Azores to Sandwich Islands, 1879-1883 (Cover title:

Immigration from the Azores to Hawaii, 1879-1883)", by Robert S. de Mello. Honolulu : De Mello Publishing Co. Index to passports. The Portuguese Genealogical Society of Hawaii has a copy and will take research requests.

"Passport Registrations: Portuguese Immigrants from Madeira to Hawaii, 1878-1884", by Robert S. de Mello.

Honolulu : De Mello Publishing Co. Index to passports. May be available through inter-library loan.

"Pau Hana: plantation life and labor in Hawaii, 1835-1920," by Ronald Takaki. University of Hawaii Press : 1983. No ordering information. Available through inter-library loan.

"Pioneers of the Faith: History of the Catholic Mission in Hawaii (1827-1940)", by Robert Schoofs, SS.CC. Rev. by Fay

Wren Midkiff. Hawaii : Sturgis Printing Co., Inc., c1978. Great resource for locating churches in the Territory of Hawaii. Ordering information unavailable at this time.

"Portuguese Hawaiian Memories: 1930" by J.F. Freitas. Portuguese in Hawaii with biographical data. Only the person who the biography is about is indexed. Available from the Portuguese Genealogical Society of Hawaii. $40 includes S&H.--Limited time only! No future printings are being considered at this time.

"Portuguese Immigrants: the centennial story of the Portuguese Union of the state of California" by Carlos Almeida.2nd rev. and enl, c1992. While primarily a history of the UPEC in California biographical data of members includes many individuals with roots in Hawaii. Available from the Supreme Council of the U.P.E.C., 1120 E. 14th Street, San Leandro, CA. $11.75 includes S&H.

"Portuguese in Hawaii before 1878" by Edgar C. Knowlton, Jr. Publishing information unknown. The Portuguese Genealogical Society of Hawaii has a copy and will take research requests.

"Portuguese Immigrants to Hawaii" compiled by Edgar C. Knowlton, Jr. Kahului, HI : Maui Portuguese Cultural Club, c1993. Index of all the ship manifests from 1878-1913. Some listings for immigrants who arrived prior to 1878. Available from Maui Portuguese Cultural Club, P.O. Box 4035, Kahului HI 96732. $35.00

"Portuguese In Hawaii" by John Henry Felix and Peter R. Senecal, editors. Honolulu : Felix, 1978. No ordering information available at this time.

"Roots & Branches of Parker & Vieira" by Eva Parker Newton. Contains information on the Parker & Vieira families of Hawaii. Los Angeles, CA : Deceby. Available from: Mrs. Leilani Parker, 1250 S. Los Robles, Pasadena CA 91106. $65 includes S&H.

"Ukelele: a Portuguese gift to Hawaii" by John Henry Felix, Leslie Nunes, and Peter F. Senecal. No publication information available.


"Portuguese in Hawaii". Produced in 1995 by David Martin and Sergio Lago. Video covers the Festa '95 at Kapiolani Park. Includes information on contributions the Portuguese have made in Hawaii. Also, information on various popular Portuguese foods. Available through the Hawaii Council on Portuguese Heritage, 819 North Vineyard Blvd, Honolulu, HI 96817. $23 includes S&H.


Available through the LDS Family History Library.

1920, 1910, and 1900 United States Census. (The 1900 Census is difficult to read. Soundex Indexes are available.)

California Death Index, 1906-1986.

Census records, 1890. Film # 1010686

Child index, v. 1-4, 1866-1896. Film # 1205693

Consulado Geral de Portugal em Hawaii, 1878-1913. (Consulate registers of Portuguese immigrants arriving in

Hawaii) Film #'s 1017125 and 1321135

Death index, A-Z. Film # 1205812

Father/Mother indexes to births. Film #'s 1205809 and 1205690

Hawaii cemetery records. Film # 982174

Hawaii Circuit Court Divorce Records, 1849-1915. Film #'s 1015620-1015652.

Index to birth, marriage, and deaths in Hawaiian Newspapers prior to 1950. Film #'s 1002818-1002823

Kauai, Births, Deaths, and Marriages, 1826-1910. Film #'s 1011145 and 295833.

Letters of Denization, 1846-1898. Film # 1017113, items 1-4, 6

Lihue Branch Cemetery assignment, Kauai Island, Hawaii. Film # 908686

Marriage index, v. 1-3, 6, 1866-1896. Film # 1205808 and 1031145

Marriages, Hawaii, 1826-1910

Naturalization records, 1874-1904 (Naturalization petitions) Film # 1015654

Portuguese Hawaiian Memories: 1930, by J. F. Freitas. FHL #996.9/D2f

Portuguese Union of the State of CA (UPEC). Death claim register, 1880-1979.

Ship Manifests, index to the Portuguese, 1878-1913. (A-F Film# 1002634; F-R #1002635; R-End # 1002636)

Ship Manifests, 1880-1890. Film #'s 1009072, 1009624, 1009625, 1009627

*The California Death Index and Portuguese Union of the State of CA index are listed because of their value in locating people who emigrated from Hawaii to California.

Please send corrections/updates to:GFSMel@aol.com


upd July 19

© Kathy Andrade Cardoza 2025