Welcome to the Azores GenWeb!

by Cheri Mello

Note: This was originally summarized for the Azores-DNA list. You may see references to Portuguese ancestry. Also, because FamilyTree DNA was chosen to be the testing company for the Azores project, there are more references to that company than the others.

I bought this book and thought as I read each chapter I would summarize it here. If you are like me, you might have a vague understanding. If you are like that, I hope this works for you and you will get a better understanding of it all.

Trace Your Roots with DNA

by Megan Smolenyak Smolenyak and Ann Turner

(yes, her surname is doubled like that).

Introduction: Welcome to the World of Genetic Genealogy (pp. ix - xvi)

I really didn't get much out of this. It was saying how technology has grown so much and has changed the way we do genealogy (web sites; census images online). They created a word from genetics and genealogy that they call genetealogy (ge-neh-TEE-ol-o-gee). There's Y-DNA (traces your direct paternal line) and mtDNA (em-tee-DNA) that traces your direct maternal line.

Trace Your Roots with DNA

© Kathy Andrade Cardoza 2025